Junior year: Smooth as ice.
Stats is the best class ever because it’s so ridiculously trivial. It’s hard not to just ace everything. (Unless you don’t do your homework the day of a hw-quiz, and we’ve had 2 of those so far, and those were the only 2 nights so far I’ve neglected my stats homework… FML)
Chem is the best class ever because everyone else finds it hard. Therefore test curve -> easy 100% 😀
History is the best class ever because we never get homework that we actually HAVE to do. Ever.
Engineering/Technology is the best class ever because we never get homework whatsoever, ever. And it’s taught by the same teacher that I’ve had 7th period for three years running.
Wind Ensemble is the best class ever because it’s not a class. Hah.
English is the best class ever… only when it’s Opposite Day.
Spanish is the best class ever because it’s even better than English on Opposite Day.