
By In Uncategorized

So today, I was at my local Gate station (A gas station) buying my drug: Full Throttle Energy Drink (The Original flavor, kthx). Recently, they've started putting pads of BOGO (Buy One Get One [free]) coupons on the door where the Full Throttles are kept… I ninja'd a whole entire pad (They're good until August) and have been going in regularly ever since. Gate is now my favorite station!

Anyways, today I got my 2 cans of FT and a Snickers bar and payed my $3.56. On my way out, a young lady (I say young, but she was older than I. She looked to be around 20 or so XD) walked in and asked for a pack of cigarettes. In my head I thought why would she waste so much money on such a stupid addiction? I mean, it can kill you!. I then realized that my thoughts were hypocritical, as I looked at the two cans in my hand. Yes, I can get two 16 oz. cans for $2.50, and that's pretty cheap. However, by getting two cans every day for a week, I'll have spent $17.50, and that's just on energy drinks. Nexon Cash Cards are just as much of an addiction to me. Now that I'm back into Maple, I"ll be spending a lot more on it. Just last week, I spent over $30 on NX cash, and am spending at least $40 from tomorrow's paycheck. When you count all of that up, my non-deadly addictions end up costing me more than the average smoker. Everyone has their addictions, and even though they aren't physically addictive, they might as well be methamphetamine.


Chameleon 29 April 2009 Reply

Crystal meth is amazing. C:

Aaron 29 April 2009 Reply

So is heroine.

spygirl57 29 April 2009 Reply

But I still hate smoking.
I mean, I haven’t tried it, but I never will 🙂

Nass 30 April 2009 Reply

Reminds me of the time I tried smoking….

FunnyFroggy 30 April 2009 Reply

And you’re only 14!? Gangsta.

Screw crystal meth and heroine. It’s all about the crack.

David 30 April 2009 Reply

Anything’s addictive, as long as you can’t control it.

dee32693 30 April 2009 Reply


Quang 30 April 2009 Reply

Drugs and smoking are for pussies. Don’t fall into peer pressure.

Wolfboy183 1 May 2009 Reply

Drugs aren’t the only thing you can get addicted to. You can even become addicted to your own adrenaline from thrills (be them death defying stunts or just straight shoplifting. This was years ago but when I was in shoplifting, I was hardcore addicted to the gush of adrenaline I got when walking out the door with no one noticing. I got caught and returned all the crap i stole and almost killed myself from the guilt trip my mom gave me. Even video games are addicting because of all the excitement we get from playing them. I was addicted to maple for a year and a half.

Rep 1 May 2009 Reply

Yup. You get addicted to things for thrills and effects.
I’m more of a Monster person myself. :O

irawk 1 May 2009 Reply

I used to like Monster, but it’s kind of lost its taste to me… O__o;

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